UrQuelle Water Filtration. Do you need water as part of a survival regime, or do you want naturally enriched spring water with all its life-enhancing goodness?

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Survival or life enhancement? Let me just elaborate on that for a moment. When we’re travelling remotely and entirely dependent upon water collected from rivers, pools or questionable plumbed sources, common sense says we should filter out sediment and invisible impurities such as bacteria, viruses and other nasties, before we replenish our bottles or onboard tank. To get rid of the last potential health threats, a secondary filter system between the built-in tank and the drinking water tap can remove any traces of, for example, medication and other chemicals. Generally speaking, consequent filtering is a safe and sensible strategy. However, have you ever considered the fact that extreme filtration by, for example, reverse osmosis does more than just remove the undesirables? It also strips the water of its minerals and other natural properties upon which our cells thrive.

As much as a filtration strategy is good for survival, quenching a thirst, day in, day out, with the recommended quantity of heavily filtered water is not entirely unlike eating industrially processed food, which might indeed fill you up, but has little nutritional value. This isn’t meant to be a scholarly lesson in how we should or shouldn’t eat and drink…it’s just food for thought (excuse the pun).


After oxygen, which we source from the ambient air, water is the second most vital nutrient our body requires if it is going to function properly, support our immune system and help us remain generally healthy and alert. Hence, a reliable source of uncontaminated water is vital for our existence.

But if we are travelling in remote areas, because that’s what we like to do, and want to enjoy a self-sufficient life devoid of urban infrastructures, how can we ensure our drinking water reserve is not only safe, but also as natural as possible?

As we know, Earth looks like a blue planet from outer space because most of its surface is covered by water. However, only 2.5% of that water is fresh, most of which lies frozen and inaccessible in the ice caps and Greenland, leaving less than 1% of fresh water accessible in lakes, rivers and beneath the earth’s surface. Of that 1%, only one third can be used for human consumption and, as pollution continues to increase, so does the amount of useable water decrease.


Natural spring water, or natural mineral water, is a moving underground body of water and its nutritional content typically has high levels of calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and other trace minerals. Natural spring water differs from drinking water sourced elsewhere because of their spring purity and conservation, the constant level of minerals (trace elements or other constituents), and for certain physiological effects they can determine.

To put the importance of natural spring water into perspective, some of the macronutrients and micronutrients it carries, and their effects upon the human body, include:

  • Calcium—bones, regulation of muscle contraction, blood clotting, nerve impulse transmission, regulation of cell permeability
  • Chlorine—hydrochloric acid formation for digestive processes
  • Phosphorus—protein and ATP synthesis and transportation of energy in biological systems
  • Magnesium—bone formation, nervous and muscular activities, lipid metabolism and protein synthesis
  • Potassium—muscle and myocardium activities, neuromuscular excitability, acid-base balance, water retention and osmotic pressure
  • Sodium—fundamental regulation of cell permeability and body fluids
  • Sulphur—essential amino acids, cartilage, hair and nail formation, enzyme activity in redox processes and cellular respiration, intestinal peristalsis
  • Cobalt (constituent of vitamin B12)—growth factor, nucleic acid synthesis, haematopoiesis
  • Chromium—enzymatic reactions involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins
  • Iron—blood and muscle tissues (haemoglobin and myoglobin)
  • Iodine (iodide)—essential for the synthesis of hormones that are involved in the growth process and body development
  • Manganese—synthesis of several enzymes involved in the metabolism of proteins and sugars, bone development
  • Molybdenum—production of enzymes associated to uric acid
  • Copper—functionality of several enzymes in blood and muscles
  • Selenium—protection of the muscle membrane integrity, antioxidant

The above listed vital macro- and micronutrients are noteworthy because the human organism cannot produce them and needs to source them from mineral water where they are present as free ions and easy to absorb. That by no means implies they cannot be sourced elsewhere, but when present in certain foods, for example, they are bound to complex molecules which make them more difficult to absorb.

Considering the fact that our body is made up of approximately two thirds water and the importance of its constitution, drinking the best quality water shouldn’t be considered a luxury, but a priority.


Back to our drinking water while travelling: We know that once we’ve found a water supply it should be thoroughly filtered to remove all impurities, bacteria, viruses, etc. At the same time, we are aware the filtration process will also strip the water of its nutritional properties and that we should consider replacing the macro- and micronutrients—especially if this is going to be our ongoing source of drinking water for long periods of time.

At a pinch, we could buy supplements. But that would entail planning ahead and keeping enough in reserve as they may not be readily available wherever our journey takes us. Alternatively, we can consider a comprehensive system that replicates nature and fortifies pure water naturally. In this case, I am talking about UrQuelle water treatment which encompasses four processes.


To begin with, all visible and invisible impurities are extracted in four steps:

  • Pre-filter removes 99.9% of all visible particles
  • Molecular filter removes 99.6% of all organic and non-organic impurities
  • Active carbon filter removes 99.9% of all unwanted odours and flavours
  • Natural germ filter for natural and effective removal of all germs

Once the water has been purified, it passes through a cartridge where:

Special clay ceramics delete all harmful frequencies present in water by naturally breaking up all water clusters. At the same time, surface tension is reduced and the water is physically restructured and prepared for mineralisation and energisation.

Maifan mineral rock enriches the water with high-quality and, more importantly, bioavailable minerals, thus returning the water to its natural state.

Sango sea coral contains 70 highly bioavailable minerals which are known for their regenerative properties and resonate perfectly with the human organism. The corals also optimise the pH value at approx. 7.

Dolomite rock helps restore the water’s natural balance due to its mineral composition and bioavailability.

Crystals and quartz (pink quartz, rose quartz, amethyst and noble/elite shungite) re-energise the water and return the natural spring characteristics of purity, clarity, and freshness.

Following principles laid down by the Austrian scientist Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958), the water is subjected to the effects of an implosion tube, or vortex, before running past a natural diamond as the final step in the treatment process.


Considering each step of the UrQuelle process and the number of components it employs, one might assume the equipment commands a large share of real estate in a vehicle. So, when I saw that everything can be either fitted into a medium-sized rucksack, or occupy marginally more space than other popular filter configurations (without the restorative capabilities), I was pleasantly surprised.

Yes, the system is available in a rucksack for those who are responsible for the drinking water in large groups of hikers, or wanting to treat water both at home and while travelling in a vehicle without having to purchase two units. If you prefer, UrQuelle also offer the system packed in a sturdy case. All you have to do is attach the inlet and outlet hoses.

UrQuelle’s portable systems are equipped with filters with capilliaries measuring 0,01 microns. These are capable of filtering out impurities including the smallest viruses which measure 0,02 microns.


The weight and dimensions of the UrQuelle water treatment system means it can be installed just as you would any other popular water filtration system. Once plumbed in, it requires little attention other than periodic monitoring of the filters (as you would with any other system) and the occasional washing of the minerals and crystals which, incidentally, involves unscrewing the cartridge, retrieving the stones in their basket, and giving them a rinse under clear water.

Consumables amount to replacement filters as with any filtration system. The ceramics, rocks, coral, crystals, and quartz (all from sustainable sources) do not need replacement.

If the system won’t be used for long periods of time, the filters can be removed and dried for storage.


Suffice to say, water is vital to our existence and there is more to it than what meets the eye. Filtering water collected in the wild, or drawn from an unreliable source, is strongly advised if you want to prevent yourself becoming sick or infested with parasites. However, while focussing almost all of our attention on purity, we tend to overlook the detrimental impact extreme filtration has on the nutritional quality of the water.

The UrQuelle water treatment system for travellers offers a good balance between filtered and natural spring water without any apparent effort on the part of the user. Installing the system is hardly more demanding than any other popular filters and, if you want to use UrQuelle at home as well, then there are portable systems available.

The UrQuelle water treatment system produces safe drinking water that’s just about as good as if you had drawn it fresh out of a spring yourself.

As far as the efficacy is concerned, UrQuelle has the quality of the water resulting from their process tested independently.


Picture of Mike Brailey

Mike Brailey

Born in the UK, Mike went to school in England and France before hiking across most of Europe in his early twenties. With a background as a photographer and engineer in the automotive industry, he has worked in Europe, the Middle East, South Africa, Southeast Asia and the Americas. His heart beats for classic cars and motorcycles, favouring an expedition equipped 1963 Land Rover Series IIA for overlanding. He is an outdoor enthusiast and, in 2016, followed his vocation to become an adventure journalist.