
LAND ROVER: Defender unveils the new era of modern luxury

Defender presents its vision of modern luxury off-road capability at this year’s Abenteuer & Allrad, Europe’s leading off-road and outdoor trade fair. The exclusive “Defender Island” is located in the centre of the show and offers an unforgettable experience that redefines the boundaries of adventure. Visitors can test drive the Defender family on a spectacular […]

The Land Rover Club Holland went all out for its 35th anniversary party

The Land Rover Club Holland celebrated its 35th anniversary with a party spanning four days from May 18th until the 21st. Approximately 1800 Land Rover fans and owners from twelve countries gathered in the beautiful grounds surrounding Middachten Castle, in Steeg. The furthest travelled came from Norway, having covered 1246 km. The oldest vehicle was […]