
The 2023 Remote Area & Expedition Medicine Conference broadcast live in the DACH region. CME points included.

Sprache wechseln German

August 19th, 2023—for the second time the German language Remote Area and Expedition Medicine Conference (RAEMC) broadcast live for its audience across Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Since its launch in 2022, the conference has gained in popularity as a unique resource for medical personnel and serious overlanders who are preparing themselves for journeys into remote areas.


All too often, overland trip preparations—regardless of whether for a long weekend or an expedition lasting several years—only focus on everything that is positive: outfitting the vehicle for every kind of terrain, having the right tools and parts for a breakdown, planning the route, equipping the camp kitchen, stowing cameras and drones, and stocking the fridge with favourite beverages and food. Nothing must be left behind if it can help make the journey memorable.

All these elaborate and detailed considerations can easily consume days, weeks, or even months. Yet, how much time does anyone take to consider what might be needed if one of your party has an accident or falls sick?

It won’t happen, right? Yet you carry a spare tyre, a jack, and a wheel brace. Bluntly put, shit happens. When you least expect it, to the most unlikely person, and in the last place you want it to happen. If you are anywhere other than an urban area, help isn’t going come rushing to you within the next fifteen minutes. All of a sudden, (you have to) assume responsibility, address the situation, and take the necessary steps. Lives depend on correct decisions and, trust me, the legally required first-aid kit in the back of your car is certainly not up to job.


There are two main reasons for favouring an online conference over a physical event:

Accessibility. The target group is interested in remote area and expedition medicine. A niche group of people in a large geographic area who might even be travelling at the time the event is held. The objective is to reach the maximum number of people regardless of their current location.

Cost—not for the organisers, but for the attendees. Creating such a significant online event, which can be enjoyed from anywhere with a stable wireless connection, eliminates travel, hotels, and other related costs for the audience.


Martin Eickhoff’s introduction to the 2023 RAEMC was an eye-opener. A revelation studded with a wide array of examples of what can happen when you go away for the weekend or a bucket-list world trip. Something as simple as stumbling over a root in a forest and landing on a broken branch or rock can cause sprained ankles or wrists, complicated fractures, open wounds and/or unconsciousness. Falling off a motorcycle or mountain bike can have horrendous implications.

What if a child suddenly has an allergic reaction. Do you know what to do if a friend or loved one forgets to take their medication?

A fun trip can turn into a nightmare.

Having heard examples of what might happen and the consequences of not being able to respond adequately, the following eight presentations took a closer look at different problems, how to recognise and understand them, and what it takes to prepare yourself so that you can intervene.


The speakers are qualified medical professionals and nutrition experts. Selected for their expertise and ability to convey their message in a manner which can be understood by health care workers and non-medical attendees, the information provided is best described as hands-on. This year, one of the presentations was conducted from a ship in the North Sea.

The 2023 Conference topics included:

  • What can happen? • Martin Eickhoff
  • Travelling under difficult circumstances • Dr. Anja Fröhlich and Dr. Christian Scholar
  • Motion sickness—not just a problem on long distances • Vito Berger
  • Medical emergencies at high altitude • Matthias Schmidtberger
  • Nutrition—what is important in remote areas? • Natalia Gogel
  • Common diseases in distant countries • Harald Steguweit
  • Tropical medicine • Jessica Frail
  • Emergency repatriation. What you need to know before you start your journey • John Bastian Etti
  • Medical planning for a trip • Markus Teiner

The topics of this year’s conference built upon those of last year and next year’s event will be a continuation of this building block concept.


The online conference is a two-way discussion. Attendees are encouraged to pose questions, using the on-screen Q&A function, to which the speaker and hosts will then respond in a live discussion.


At the very least, every attendee was made aware of problems they may have to confront and how to prepare for them.

At best, non-medical attendees were made aware of their own short-comings so that they can take steps toward being able to help themselves and others in a medical emergency.

Medical professionals benefitted from an event approved by the medical authority of Lower Saxony which granted ten CME points.


What is included in the cost?

A one-day event lasting ten hours (including breaks)
High-quality information on nine relevant topics for travellers to remote areas
Live Q&A
Exclusive access to all presentations via Vimeo after the event
Ten CME points for medical professionals

Price per attendee: €99


The 2023 Remote Area & Expedition Medicine Conference was an informative, rewarding, and enjoyable event for everyone, and represents excellent value for money.

The organisers have also taken into account that some people may not have been aware of the 2022 and 2023 events. So, for anyone interested, use the contact form to reach out to the organisers for more information on how purchase access to the Vimeo videos.

Preparation is already underway for the 2024 Conference. Dates and booking details will be published soon.


Note: The Remote Area & Expedition Medicine Conference is currently only held in German language. There is consideration to create an English language version and, if you are interested, please let the organisers know so that they can explore the viability.

Picture of Mike Brailey

Mike Brailey

Born in the UK, Mike went to school in England and France before hiking across most of Europe in his early twenties. With a background as a photographer and engineer in the automotive industry, he has worked in Europe, the Middle East, South Africa, Southeast Asia and the Americas. His heart beats for classic cars and motorcycles, favouring an expedition equipped 1963 Land Rover Series IIA for overlanding. He is an outdoor enthusiast and, in 2016, followed his vocation to become an adventure journalist.