
29/31: Rooftop Tents: How To Balance Leisure And The Law

Camping has evolved significantly over the centuries, and one of the most popular trends to emerge in recent times is the rooftop tent. These innovative mobile sleeping quarters have transformed the classic notion of camping, particularly in Europe, where breathtaking landscapes and rich cultures invite us to neglect ready-made package holidays and create our own adventures. However, before you launch into your next expedition, it is crucial to understand the legal landscape surrounding rooftop tenting in Europe.

It seems that as the popularity of rooftop tents increases, so does the need for awareness around local laws governing camping. Unfortunately, each European country has its own approach, and while some are quite permissive, others can be expensively rigid, especially when it comes to wild camping. Here’s a closer look at some of the important legal considerations to keep in mind:


Many European nations maintain strict rules regarding wild camping. In France and Spain, for instance, wilderness enthusiasts can camp in designated areas, but they cannot simply set up a tent wherever they please. Spain’s “Ley de Protección del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad” governs environmental and camping regulations, and can impose hefty fines for illegal camping.

Conversely, countries such as Norway and Sweden embrace a more relaxed approach. The principle of “Allemansrätten” (freedom to roam) allows outdoor lovers to camp almost anywhere, provided they respect nature and private land. This rule fosters a spirit of adventure, but still calls for a measure of responsibility—so tread thoughtfully!


Before embarking on your rooftop tent adventure, it is wise to investigate whether you need a camping permit in specific regions. Local authorities often require permission to camp in nature reserves or national parks. For example, camping in the British National Parks is generally limited by the strictest of regulations and, while you can find designated campgrounds, wild camping is generally frowned upon.


As charming as a rooftop tent may be, it also adds height and weight to your vehicle. Therefore, it’s prudent to understand the regulations governing vehicle modifications.

As far as driving on highways and byways is concerned, your vehicle is equipped with a non-permanent load that must be safely secured. As such, you have to abide by the local highway code and to adjust your driving style to the influences of the increased weight and the implications it may have on stability.

Speed restrictions are not enforced on rooftop tents per se, but it is wise to follow the guidance of many manufacturers and keep your maximum speed between 100 and 130 km/h.

Read your vehicle documentation and check limitations regarding the static and dynamic roof loads. And while you’re packing all your equipment and other necessities, pay attention make sure you don’t exceed the permissible gross vehicle weight.

The overall width of the vehicle must not exceed 2.55 metres and the overall height should not exceed 4 metres. Measure the height of your vehicle with the rooftop tent installed and make a note of it somewhere easy to find—keep an eye out for low underpasses.


Rooftop campers may, at times, find themselves nestled near pristine landscapes and natural wonders. However, they must also be aware of what is expected of them in terms of environmental stewardship. Many countries enforce strict “Leave No Trace” principles, which call for campers to pack in what they pack out and to avoid damaging flora and fauna. Keeping your campsite tidy and respecting wildlife will enhance the likelihood of future camping opportunities, both for you and for others.


With a handle on the legalities, let’s look at some best practices to ensure a smooth experience while using rooftop tents:


Thoroughly research the specific camping regulations in the country and region you plan to visit. Online forums, local tourism boards, and seasoned campers can provide valuable insights.

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When in doubt, ask locals about the camping practices and any regulations you should be aware of. Not only does this foster good relations, but they may also be able to provide recommendations for the best locations to pitch your rooftop tent.

Sometimes, it is as simple as asking a landowner for permission to camp on their property.


Always be respectful of the natural environment. Clean up after yourself, avoid lighting fires in uncontrolled areas, and leave your campsite as you found it (or cleaner).


Double-check your vehicle’s specifications to ensure that you comply with local regulations. Measure your vehicle’s height with the rooftop tent attached, and be mindful of weight limits imposed by your car’s manufacturer to ensure safe driving.


As you embark on this adventurous journey, remember that the heart of camping lies in exploration and connection—with nature, with fellow campers, and with the culture around you. Each country boasts its own unique charm, and every road leads to fresh experiences and discoveries.

Rooftop tents are more than just a trend; they are the gateway to adventure. With a little research and preparation, you can navigate the rules while creating unforgettable memories in the great outdoors.


Please be aware that legislation and regulations regarding rooftop tents can vary widely from country to country, and even from region to region within a single country. It is essential for readers to familiarise themselves with the local laws and guidelines that apply to their area or any area through which they intend to travel. Always consult the local transport authority or legal advisor to ensure compliance with relevant laws. This article does not constitute legal advice and should be used for informational purposes only.

30/31: Summary

Picture of Mike Brailey

Mike Brailey

Born in the UK, Mike went to school in England and France before hiking across most of Europe in his early twenties. With a background as a photographer and engineer in the automotive industry, he has worked in Europe, the Middle East, South Africa, Southeast Asia and the Americas. His heart beats for classic cars and motorcycles, favouring an expedition equipped 1963 Land Rover Series IIA for overlanding. He is an outdoor enthusiast and, in 2016, followed his vocation to become an adventure journalist.