23/31: Rooftop Tent — The Fastest Way to Bed
A glance at the history of camping reveals a relentless march from simple beginnings. The traditional ground tents that have been the home of every self-respecting explorer for centuries, are nostalgic creations that require a meticulous approach: poles must align, stakes must be driven into an unforgiving earth, and the fabric must behave itself. Typically, […]
22/31: Rooftop Tents — Durability Doesn’t Have to be Expensive
…but a lack it most certainly will. You might think that durability and longevity are pretty much the same thing. But if we look at the definitions, durability refers to how well a product resists damage, and longevity refers to how long a product lasts before it needs to be replaced. So, durability is one […]
21/31: Rooftop Tent Heater — How to Beat the Freeze
Brace yourself, because as temperatures plunge and the darkness creeps in, keeping warm becomes the key to survival in this mad circus we call camping. Heaters are your ticket to fending off the cold. Or are they? At the height of summer, when the nights are short, a rooftop tent can become a tiny hot […]
20/31: Rooftop Tent — Which Accessories Do You Need?
Now that you’ve ticked off important features that contribute to your ideal rooftop tent, it’s time to consider what accessories the manufacturer has to offer and what is worth investing in. Not everything is a must, and not everything has to be from the same brand, but if they are, then you will, at least, […]
19/31: Rooftop Tents, the Best Position on the Car
Depending upon the car you’re driving and the style of tent you’re aiming for, you may have an option or two regarding the best position the tent can occupy on top of the car. This is less to do with how to get in and out, but more to do with what goes on in […]
18/31: Rooftop Tent Entrance – How To Keep It Practical
One of the most fundamental characteristics of a rooftop tent is how you enter and exit. This can’t be too difficult, you might think. Well, you’re not wrong, but it is a case of finding the middle ground between what you need and what a tent can offer, so that unnecessary compromises don’t taint your […]
17/31: Rooftop Tent – Charge Of The Light Brigade
As much as I would like to think that a rooftop tent is possibly the best excuse for a spontaneous getaway from nine-to-five and a fantastic reason to distance oneself from social expectations and the news, our modern lifestyle tethers us to our phones and tablets like never before—not always in a bad way, as […]
16/31: Rooftop Tent Storage You Don’t Want To Miss!
Ascending into your loft and settling down for the night is quite different from what you might be used to at home. You can’t just peel off clothes and throw them over a chair, or park your glasses, phone and a bottle of water on the night stand next to your book. If there are […]